
Monday 24 February 2014

Reflections: 2013 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival

Square Bottom Round - The Art of Basket Weaving

Basket weaving is the process of weaving pliable materials into a form or basket.
Baskets can be made from anything that will bend to form the basket's essential elements - base, sidewalls, and rim. Basket weaving is an ancient and widespread fibre craft, its creations both utilitarian and aesthetic.
Baskets on Display at the 'Square Bottom Round' workshop
At the 2013 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival, two regional basket makers, Meredith Fisher and Gay Hansen, offered a one-day basket weaving workshop "Square Bottom Round". Participants learned about fibres and techniques, and engaged in the very tactile 'hands-on' craft to make their own square-bottomed round baskets.

Focused fingers worked diligently under Gay and Meredith's experienced guidance. There was a quiet congenial buzz  .... a feeling of happy  productivity. One participant summed up the experience "I love baskets, never thought I could make one ... and I will - TODAY!"
The Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival extends a special thanks to Gay and Meredith for teaching this special fibre art and sharing their skill with festival participants. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Reflections: 2013 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival

Singily Skipping Along ... Book Launch at 2013 Festival

Cookies and Milk ... Parents and Children ... Fibre Artists and Authors .... they all gathered at Deanne Fitzpatrick's Studio on Church Street on Friday afternoon, Oct. 18, to launch 'Singily Skipping Along' , a delightful children's book with text by author, Sheree Fitch, and illustrations by rug-hooking artist, Deanne Fitzpatrick.
Sheree (above) reading from 'Singily Skipping Along' and Deanne (below) signing books

 The multi-age audience was enthralled by Sheree's dramatic reading of her imaginative verse and the joyful hooked-rugs created by Deanne to illustrate the text. Young and 'not-so-young' - all were smiling - books were shared - and memories made - as the 2013 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival celebrated "Singily Skipping Along', the product of a collaboration between two talented artists.
Thanks to Sheree and Deanne for this vibrant beautiful book!

Monday 10 February 2014

Reflections: 2013 Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival

Going Sideways: A Practical Playful Approach to Design

Instructor: Cathia Finkel

Cathia Finkel's workshop was offered at Deanne Fitzpatrick's Studio on Friday, Oct. 18. Cathia set the stage, provided the materials, and encouraged participants to explore media, innovate in a supportive setting, and enjoy the creative process. An inventive buzz pervaded the studio. One participant's comments echoed the collective sentiment:
 "this is so relaxing .... cutting, pasting, playing with colour and shape ....
it looks like kindergarten but feels so dynamic .... and makes me so happy."

Cathia Finkel and 'Going Sideways' Participants

Thanks to Cathia for setting the stage and guiding the process ....
"Going Sideways" was a great success!