
Wednesday 15 June 2022

Cumberland County Museum

Since the Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival began 13 years ago, the Cumberland County Museum and Archives (Cumberland County Museum Society) has been an active festival participant,. This year is no exception.  Housed in Grove Cottage which originally belonged to R.B. Dickey (one of Amherst's four Fathers of Confederation), the museum is filled with a selection of artifacts from our region, including genealogical materials, and offers programs, exhibits and other events throughout the year.  The museum is surrounded by beautifully tended gardens, and is a popular spot for wedding and prom pictures. Their motto is: "History that stirs the imagination."

For this year's Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival, the museum will be hosting a wool dying workshop on Friday, August 5.  There will also be an historic fibre art exhibit that will be set up at the beginning of August. The museum welcomes "Hook-Ins", where people can bring any fibre art project with them (not just hooking!) and work amongst the exhibit, or even in the gardens - if it is a nice day. This would be available at the museum everyday during the festival from 10:00 to 4:00. There is an admission of $5 to support programs at the museum throughout the year. Tea and coffee and cookies will be available and you can tour the museum too.

You can reach the museum at (902) 667-2561.

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