
Sunday 8 January 2023


It has been a while since we have posted, but the time is here. The Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Society is looking for volunteers to help make a festival a possibility in the fall of 2023 (exact dates yet to be set). We need and want your help with any number of large and small spots. If you feel that you want to help keep the festival viable, please reach out to us. It doesn't have to be a huge commitment; there are many jobs that require lesser amounts of time, and of course there those that require more. You can fit into this group. One of our members expressed it this way: "The Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival is looking for a few good verbs. We need people who can organize, delegate, coordinate, plan, write, establish, Tweet, budget, blog, market, allocate, promote, set up, maintain, take down, greet, smile, and of course, CREATE. Are you a verb? We’d love to hear from you!"

This really says it all. There is no requirement to be a fibre artist, many skills make any program a success. 

We would absolutely love to hear from you!  Please drop an email to

Thanks Lynn

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